On 9 June 2019, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors endorsed new G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment at their meeting in Fukuoka, Japan.
The Communiqué released by the G20 Presidency emphasises the importance of quality infrastructure investment to the ongoing effort to help close the infrastructure gap globally. In that document, the G20 Finance Ministers also recognise the GI Hub/OECD/World Bank Database of Resources and Facilities for Quality Infrastructure Investment (QII Database) and its ability to help implement quality infrastructure investment.
The GI Hub supports efforts to improve the quality of infrastructure investment globally and welcomes the G20’s continuing focus on this issue. We also congratulate the Japanese Presidency and the G20 members on the development and endorsement of the G20 Principles for Quality Infrastructure Investment.
The is a global resource for infrastructure materials and facilities relating to quality infrastructure investment. It follows the work undertaken by the G20, OECD and World Bank in 2018 which created a Stocktake of Tools and Instruments related to Infrastructure as an Asset Class. The QII database builds on this work and is based on an assessment of over 450 materials, covering both resources and facilities, which are intended to guide stakeholders in planning, delivering and managing quality infrastructure investments. Users of the database will be able to search by ‘Resources’ to access a wealth of information, including but not limited to framework/toolkits, reference guides, study reports, websites, publications, and by ‘Facilities’ which are programs or ‘windows’ offering financial support (in the forms of grants, equity investments, debt investments or project preparations support) relating to QII.
The GI Hub are very pleased to have been able to contribute to the G20 Presidency’s deliverables on the topic of quality infrastructure by creating this database and look forward to expanding and maintaining it as a resource for policy makers and practitioners globally. We would like to thank our partners the OECD and World Bank, for their assistance, and thank the G20 members, other countries, and the various organisations who have submitted materials for inclusion in the database.
The GI Hub is committed to ensuring the QII Database remains up-to-date, and we encourage submissions to be made at any time via QIIDatabase@gihub.org