COUNTRY | United Arab Emirates
SECTOR | energy, other sector (environment emergency, and climate change)
QII Principles | Principle 1 Sustainable Growth & Development, Principle 2 Economic Efficiency, Principle 3 Environmental Considerations
QII Sub-Principles | 1: SDGs, 1: Paris Agreement, 1: Wider economic benefits, 2: Technological innovation, 3: Environmental Impact Mitigation, 3: Ecosystems, 3: Climate, 3: Emissions, 4: Resilience, 6: Enabling Environment
Cost: 49,500 AED
Size: Three buildings (Administration& Library, Autism Centre, and a School)
Parties involved (public and private): UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited
Relevant contractual details (type, length etc.): Design advisory contract, six (6) months
Context: The UAE committed to the "Zero Carbon Buildings for All Initiative" at the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September 2019. Subsequently, the UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure brought relevant stakeholders together from local authorities and private sector and showcased the desirability and feasibility of actions.
Aim(s) of the project: The project aims at using a technology that helps create a positive or net zero energy block (PEB) from a group of government buildings that are self-energy sufficient through renewable energy sources and thus enhancing the energy efficiency.
Six (6) months
Relevance to QII
The above principles are realized in this project by leveraging technology that is aiming to improve the resilience of the grid through diversification of energy production, to contribute to the decarbonisation of the global energy production, and to reduce energy demands through higher energy efficiency in buildings.
This technology will
- Improve the resilience of the grid through the diversification of energy production
- Contribute to the decarbonisation of the global energy production
- Reduce energy demands through higher energy efficiency in buildings
Success factor to be as close as possible to net-zero through measuring the reduction of the buildings? energy demands and the reduction of the site?s reliance. Compared to the business as usual design plans, a reduction of 95% GHG emissions could be achieved. In this design, Sharjah Humanitarian Campus would generate 147 tons of CO equivalent of GHG compared to 3164 tons for its initial design. This represents saving represents the annual emission of 1257 cars avoided. Additionally, 93.7 % of the energy consumed by the Campus would come from clean on-site renewable energy.
Name of Institution
Ministry of Finance, UAE