The purpose of the present publication, “Towards better infrastructure products: a survey of investor’s perceptions and expectations of infrastructure investment”, is to conduct the first in-depth study of the perceived role by infrastructure assets for investors, including asset owners representing approximately USD8 trillion of institutional assets under management (AUM).
The Global Infrastructure Hub (GI Hub) and EDHEC Infrastructure Institute-Singapore (EDHECinfra) have released the results of an infrastructure investment study of more than 184 infrastructure investors and advisors, representing approximately USD 8 trillion of global assets under management. The study is one of the largest such studies undertaken and includes the views of investor expectations of C level, investment directors and senior advisors in the infrastructure sector. The 2019 edition of the survey - to be released in April 2019 - was the largest to date, with more than 300 respondents and 10% of global AUM represented. It focuses on benchmarking practices by infrastructure investors and their demand for better indices.
The study is one of the largest such studies undertaken and includes the views of investor expectations of C level, investment directors and senior advisors in the infrastructure sector.
Publication Date: 07.2016