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Heritage is often one of the treasures that humanity has a duty to preserve for the knowledge and enrichment of future generations, something that sometimes involves a compromise between the need to preserve it and to show it
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are both part of a wider field of technology called Mixed Reality (MR).
The solution is an Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) system for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs).
The solution is Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC) system consisting of varying technologies of chargers (slow, fast and ultra-fast) and EV Cloud Platform.
Digital service platform integrating the latest digital and communication technologies such as cloud computing, 5G, big data and the Internet of Things can effectively improve the operation and management efficiency of transport hubs such as airports, harness economic, social and governance (ESG) benefits, and enhance the security and quality of services.
In today's complex global supply chain, a number of inefficiencies constrains the physical flow of goods due to asymmetrical or erroneous information flow, compliance and regulatory issues, lack of data standardisation as well as financial risks.
Organic waste products from sources such as food production and wastewater treatment, can be converted into energy through digestion, pyrolysis, and gasification processes
Following a 1997 study, the Government of Chile sought to improve the country's main North- South axis between the cities of Santiago and Talca
Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru (KIAB) is the first airport in India to be delivered via a public private partnership (PPP), under a build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) model over a 30 year period extendible to 60 years
The government of India sought to raise c. USD 12.5B1 for infrastructure development through an asset monetization program that identified c. 6400km of road networks across 75 operational projects and split them into 10 bundles to auction as concessions
The Peruvian government had an ambitious plan to rejuvenate 955km of roads connecting the fluvial port of Yurimaguas with the Pacific port of Paita
As part of a larger USD 63B1 infrastructure investment, the New South Wales (NSW) government sought to develop a light rail network
The Denver Union Station is a large-scale mixed-use development project to transform the underutilized old Denver Union Station into a modern district
In the 1990s, Copenhagen began to experience stagnant economic growth with a decreasing tax base
Due to the prevalence of smart phones and mobile technology, New York's ageing and underutilised network of 8,400 public payphones became obsolete
The Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project is a 37km, two-phase extension of the current Metrorail system delivered via a design-build-finance- operate-maintain (DBFOM) PPP concession
The USD 508.62 million CLSG Interconnector Project is a landmark cross-border project involving the construction of a transmission line of over 1,300km, with the aim to interconnect the CLSG countries’ energy systems into the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP) regional energy network.
FOR CONSULTATION The draft Guidance Note on National Infrastructure Banks and Similar Financing Facilities is open for public consultation to capture your insights and feedback for the final version.