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This convention creates legally binding standards to criminalise bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions.
This document discusses how science-based indicators of vulnerability to climate change and of adaptability can inform the prioritization of adaptation assistance from a global adaptation fund.
This paper uses data from the world bank performance database and the electricity regulatory governance database using electricity company data to the develop the literature that explores the link between regulatory governance and sector performance.
OECD Checklist for Public Action, the OECD has developed practical guidance organized around 24 OECD principles to help governments and other stakeholders to assess and manage the implications of involving private actors in the financing, development and more.
The International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET) blue book creates a baseline and, at the same time, offers a global vision of the state of the sector in developing countries.
This paper examines what factor facilitates most network expansion using micro data from 45 fixed-line and mobile telephone operators in 18 African countries by looking into network externailties and discriminatory pricing.
This benchmarking documents provides a preliminary analysis of infrastructure performance in Lesotho in four major sectors against the relevant group of comparator countries using a new World Bank international data base with objective and perception-based indicators of infrastructure performance from over 200 countries, this document outlines the deficiences in Lesotho in infrastructure.
The BFI Financial Model has been designed to appraise the affordability of any infrastructure project proposal submitted to the BFI.
This report provides an assessment of the state of regulatory governance in infrastructure industries in Brazil and to suggest possible indicators for future monitoring, while also providing a ranking among Brazillian regulators.
This handbook presents detailed, practical guidance on how to conduct quick, mid-level, and in-depth regulatory evaluations with focus on power sector regulation.
This paper discusses the regulation of water and sanitation services in urban areas.
This report outlines how in recent years Armenia has made significant strides in reforming the water sector by developing policies, enacting laws, and drawing up plans, programs and strategies aimed at improving water service provision
The goal of this paper is to describe the common features of small scale providers, propose common typology for describing and classifying different types of SPSPs, assess the scale and knowledge of SPSPs and compare patterns and trends in small scale water supply and electricity services.
This document carries out analysis in several countries to identify the role of small-scale providers (SSP) of water and sanitation services, as well as why these small scale providers exist and their experiences in Peru.
The overarching goal of this study is to establish patterns in the ways poor people in Ghana are accessing and using energy and to identify how changes in the patterns affect the Ghanaian poor.
This study explains why and how the creation of institutionalized citizen engagement will enhance public accountability, performance, and customer responsiveness in the Indian urban water and sanitation sector.
One of the main challenges in introducing PPPs lies in the proper definition of governance structures for all actors.
Water is fundamental to life and health. By extension it is a prerequisite for realizing other, basic human rights and in the fight against poverty. Innovative partnerships are needed to meet this huge challenge. One of the main challenges in introducing PPPs lies in the proper definition of governance structures for all actors: roles and responsibilities must be assigned and regulatory mechanisms must be established from the outset. The objective of this initiative is to enable optimal use of PPP as one of the options and contribute to the overall performance improvements of water supply and sanitation services.
The purpose of this brief note is to set out a checklist of issues which need to be considered when assessing the likely economic impact of regulatory reform.
This review is designed to assist the development community and policy makers in other countries who may be contemplating railway privatization.