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Cost SAR 50 Million The project is fully funded by the government
Parties involved (public and private) CNEA (public), private only as suppliers and contractors
The Igua?u National Park, created in 1939 by Decree No. 1035, houses the largest remnant of Atlantic forest (seasonal semideciduous) in southern Brazil.
ntil September 2020, the Program of universalization “Light for All” had already served more than three and a half million families, which corresponds to more than sixteen million people benefited from the public service of electricity, the vast majority of which are served with conventional network extension.
The Geostationary Satellite for Defense and Strategic Communications is a valuable asset of Brazilian’s government that promotes digital inclusion by covering all Brazilian’s territory and allowing connectivity for the most further regions of the country
The Public Fishing Terminal (?TPP?) of Manaus was built in 2010 by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure - DNIT, in partnership with the Municipality of Manaus.
In Brazil, the logistics for the use of pipelines for transporting oil, oil derivatives and biofuels, is basically operated by Petrobr?s Transporte S.A. (Transpetro) ? a subsidiary company of Petr?leo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) ? that deals with oil and oil derivatives movement ,- as well as by the company Logum Log?stica S.A., which concentrates on ethanol movement.
The project represents the most important tourism and transportation infrastructure proposal for the south-southeast region of the country.
The project consists of a road concession procurement for exploiting infrastructure and public services provision for recovery, operation, maintenance, monitoring, conservation, implementation of improvements and maintenance of the service level of the BR-262/ES Highway, in the road section between BR-101 (B) - Viana/ES - up to the frontier between ES/MG; BR-262/MG, in the road section between ES/MG frontier with BR-381/MG - João Monlevade/MG; and BR-381/MG, in the road section between Belo Horizonte/MG to Governador Valadares/MG
Brazilian Decree nº 7.520/2011 and then Decree nº 9.357/ 2018 establishes the National Program for the universalization of Access and Use of Electric Energy - “LUZ PARA TODOS/LIGHT FOR ALL” until the year 2022, intended to provide the service with electricity to the portion of the rural population that does not have access to this public service.
The modernization of the Roca Railway has as main objective the renovation and electrification of the passenger service line Branch Constitution - La Plata, which has an extension of 52 km and moves 44 million people by year.
The ITF Transport Outlook provides an overview of recent trends and near-term prospects for the transport sector at a global level as well as long-term prospects for transport demand to 2050.
Can the needs of rapid urbanisation open the door to innovative emerging technologies?
Renewable energy is being used in multiple forms these days. Construction companies, especially those involved in large projects, also have an impact on the environment.
Bridging the US$15 trillion infrastructure gap has become crucial given the economic impact of COVID-19. GI Hub's Strategic Advisers deep-dive into a way forward to attract private capital.
Public investment in infrastructure is more effective in increasing economic output than other types of public spending
Investment in public transit infrastructure can contribute to creating more inclusive societies. Public transit services are more often used by lower-income households, women and ethnic minorities.
Public investment in infrastructure is more effective in increasing economic output than other types of public spending
Investment in public transit infrastructure can contribute to creating more inclusive societies. Public transit services are more often used by lower-income households, women and ethnic minorities.