In Brazil, the logistics for the use of pipelines for transporting oil, oil derivatives and biofuels, is basically operated by Petrobr?s Transporte S.A. (Transpetro) ? a subsidiary company of Petr?leo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) ? that deals with oil and oil derivatives movement ,- as well as by the company Logum Log?stica S.A., which concentrates on ethanol movement.
PPP-Projects on Federal Highways, 5 Concessions (shadow toll) (2005-2011), 8 Availability-Projects (since 2009), 6 Availability-Projects in tender or pipeline (if efficient), widening from 4 to 6 lanes, mainly brownfield but as well some greenfield sections
The modernization of the Roca Railway has as main objective the renovation and electrification of the passenger service line Branch Constitution - La Plata, which has an extension of 52 km and moves 44 million people by year.
Renewable energy is being used in multiple forms these days. Construction companies, especially those involved in large projects, also have an impact on the environment.
As is the case in other parts of Atlantic Canada, Bridgewater suffers from a very high rate of energy poverty ? when households spend a large portion of their income on energy needs.
The project consists of a road concession procurement for exploiting infrastructure and public services provision for recovery, operation, maintenance, monitoring, conservation, implementation of improvements and maintenance of the service level of the BR-262/ES Highway, in the road section between BR-101 (B) - Viana/ES - up to the frontier between ES/MG; BR-262/MG, in the road section between ES/MG frontier with BR-381/MG - João Monlevade/MG; and BR-381/MG, in the road section between Belo Horizonte/MG to Governador Valadares/MG
The Certification System's development brings together a wide range of experts including representatives of international financial, expert and civil organisations and associations such as the World Bank, the OECD and the World Wide Fund for Nature, consulting companies, leading infrastructure investors, executive authorities and other stakeholders.
Brazilian Decree nº 7.520/2011 and then Decree nº 9.357/ 2018 establishes the National Program for the universalization of Access and Use of Electric Energy - “LUZ PARA TODOS/LIGHT FOR ALL” until the year 2022, intended to provide the service with electricity to the portion of the rural population that does not have access to this public service.
Creation of a structural model (digital twin) of a 47-year-old pumped storage station in Ireland helped extend the life of this critical asset, reduce the frequency of inspection and associated costs, and identify optimal cycles of operation to take advantage of the price-driven renewable energy market.